yamas (think of the extremes)  

Posted by Zimmerman Stein

for me it helps to think of the extreme that i'd be if i "give in to the feeling". my habit has been to minimize the effects, consequences, ramifications, complexities of behavior - where an event is viewed as minuscule, isolated, unrelated, "no big deal". when i think of the full trait or character as me, the person i've been, then i see it as uninteresting, undesirable, repellant, not me.

taoist 70% rule  

Posted by Zimmerman Stein

always reserve a piece of yourself for yourself. in asanas and relationships, don't go all the way, hold back a bit. i did 5 hours of yoga, worked hard, really stretched, participated fully, and i feel good and ready for tomorrow. in the past i would wear myself out with my interests and pursuits. i used to grind myself to the bone and give everything to a project. it used to eclipse my relationships and my health. i always felt some overwhelming need to be successful at something, to prove myself. i've replaced that with the 70% rule.